Booking confirmation
Support +92 302 1115638

Thank You For Your Booking

Dear {{ $booking['guest_name'] }},
Thank you for choosing {{$accommodation->AccommodationName}},booking will be confirmed once payment has been made, for details see below.

Hotel name Hotel Address Hotel Contact
{{ $accommodation->AccommodationName }} {{ $accommodation->Address }} {{ $accommodation->ContactNo }}

Booking Confirmation # {{$booking['booking_no']}}
Guest Name {{$booking['guest_name']}}
Phone {{$booking['BookerTelephone']}}
Email {{$booking['guest_email']}}
Arrival {{$booking['check_in']}}
Departure {{$booking['check_out']}}
Nights {{$booking['nights']}}
Rate {{$booking['rate']}}
Tax {{$booking['tax']}}
Total {{$booking['total']}}


Please deposit 100% amount mentioned in Total within 24 hours of the booking, in the following bank account and share proof of payment along with your confirmation number to our customer support department.

Hotel & Booking Policy

Guarantee Option & Cancellation Fee


House Rules